Starlink gets high praise from Carnival CEO “A real game-changer”

Starlink gets high praise from Carnival CEO “A real game-changer”

Elon Musk’s Starlink is proving to be a real game changer for the cruise industry. This was, at least, according to recent comments from Carnival Corporation CEO Josh Weinstein during the company’s second quarter earnings call. In his comments, Weinstein noted that Starlink’s high speed internet connectivity has not only been beneficial to customers; it has also been beneficial to Carnival’s onboard operational systems. The CEO also stated that Carnival has completed its Starlink rollout to its entire fleet this quarter, as noted in a Cruise Industry News report. “We completed the rollout of Starlink this quarter, another revenue uplift opportunity and a real game-changer for our onboard connectivity experience, enabling us to deliver the same high-speed Wi-Fi service available...
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SpaceX's Starlink Mini Dish Features a Built-In Wi-Fi Router

SpaceX's Starlink Mini Dish Features a Built-In Wi-Fi Router

SpaceX releases the official specs of its Mini dish. The dish weighs approximately 3 pounds and has a single Ethernet connector. SpaceX's official documentation confirms that the Starlink Mini dish does not have an external Wi-Fi receiver. Instead, SpaceX has built the router into the dish.This information was taken directly from the official Mini dish spec sheet, and the setup guide posted secretly by The documents reveal what consumers should expect from this product. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says that the product will be released in a matter of months.The Mini Dish is specifically described as "Starlink with WiFI integrated" in the specifications. Hardware will include a kickstand adapter for pipes, a direct-current power cable, a power source, and...
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Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could damage the environment for decades, study says

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could damage the environment for decades, study says

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could damage the Earth’s protective ozone layer when they are deorbited, new research suggests.Mega satellite constellations such as SpaceX’s Starlink spew copious amounts of aluminium oxide gas in the atmosphere that could deplete the ozone layer, according to the research published last week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.SpaceX has launched more than 6,000 satellites and counting to beam internet, with each new model getting heavier.These satellites are designed to burn up in the atmosphere when their service lives end, researchers from the University of Southern California say.Aluminium oxides deplete ozone by causing it to react destructively with chlorine, the study says.The oxides can stay in the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer for decades, researchers...
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SpaceX Starlink lands major partnership with Comcast Business

SpaceX Starlink lands major partnership with Comcast Business

SpaceX Starlink, the satellite internet service, has landed a major partnership with Comcast Business, a leg of the communications company, to provide connectivity solutions to customers.Comcast Business will utilize Starlink’s low Earth orbit satellite technology to provide Comcast Business customers with fast and reliable internet connectivity that will ensure consistent service in even rural regions.It is arguably SpaceX’s biggest partnership yet in terms of Starlink, although it has signed several other large-scale collaboration efforts in various sectors.For example, Starlink provides Maersk with internet connectivity for crew members as they travel across the ocean.SpaceX provides a unique opportunity for Starlink clients, especially in a business sense. Making deals and gathering connections can take people to all corners of the world, including...
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